Thursday, November 23, 2017


I play netball . I am C for centre. My best friend plays to as GA for goal attack .I love netball so much because you run around knock the ball before people got it .Its a fun sport for every one  .You should try it out,you'll enjoy it.

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Strengths and Weaknesses of Bridges

Beam bridge -weakness beam bridges are mostly made of concrete.And concrete comparatively is not that strong. Strengths -beam bridges are for people and bikes and so it is good for short distance
Cantilever bridge strengths - The strengths of cantilever bridge is that it has lots of triangles and triangles are very stable and strong. weakness-If it gets to stormy or if there is a earthquake it will collapse. suspension

Suspension bridge strength -A suspension bridge is very flexible. Weakness- if it gets too stormy the suspension bridge will wobble and collapse.

 Arch bridge -strengths A arch bridge can carry certain amount of cars depending on its size Weakness- It has a limited span.